Wednesday night I had a bit of a break-down. Hubby has a lot on his plate right now with work and a lot on his mind with an upcoming re-enlistment. I'm always stressed (it is just part of my personality). I got into the tub to relax and he came and sat in the bathroom with me and I just verbally vomited all my fears at him. I sobbed about "what if Spud never finds us?" and gave him the option of putting off the adoption so that he could get out of the military if he thought that was best. After venting, we both felt a little better and life went on.
Yesterday afternoon I was sitting in my van, waiting for one of my daycare kiddos to get out of school. I had 5 other little ones with me, watching a Winnie the Pooh movie and eating their snacks.
Then the phone rang.
Number not programmed in my phone.
Heart does the jumping thing, but my mind says "probably another daycare call."
"Hi is this Sunny?"
"This is So-And-So with American Adoptions."
*I'm pretty sure I came close to passing out at this point.* "Is this THE CALL?"
"It could be."
The next few minutes (I checked my phone, the whole conversation lasted 11 minutes and 37 seconds) are kind of a blur. The bell rang at the school and I had to get the 6 year old. She conference called Squishy. She told us the details and then WOW!
Since I was in a school zone and about to drive on to base and had 6 kids with me, I couldn't call Squishy back right away. LONGEST DRIVE HOME EVER!
Got the kids inside and settled and called Squishy back. I still had about an hour before he got home from work. I called my mom. I called my best friend. And then I've pretty much been shell shocked ever since.
Spud is due December 23, but the mom has delivered early on previous pregnancies, so we are expecting to have the little guy sooner.
I can't really go into to many details to protect the birth family and their privacy, but I will tell you that the situation is about near perfect for what we were hoping for as far as their situation/open adoption.
We have a crazy few days ahead of us of signing the next round of paperwork, getting it notarized/faxed/mailed off. And trying to get ALL the money wired to Kansas City. In addition, we need to get our jobs stuff settled (I'm closing the daycare, Squishy has to get stuff in order for short notice leave). We still need to talk to the agency about all the legal details (though it sounds like their state and ours work pretty well together) and about how long we can expect to be gone. Oh! And then we have to, I don't know, GET READY TO HAVE A NEWBORN!!!
I am in such shock. I haven't cried yet. Not sure when it will all actually hit me. In just a few weeks I'll be doing the 2am feedings again and all that. I'm going to be a mommy again!!!
Spud just had a cousin born in September and another one is due pretty much any day now (do you hear that Horton?). That means my in-laws will have 3 new grandsons within like a 4 month time period. CRAZINESS!!
Squishy's family is pretty notorious for being genetically partial to boys. We joked that the only way anyone was going to get a girl was if Spud was a girl. But the boy streak continues! Squishy's brother is rapidly approaching having enough kids/nephews for a basketball team.
One of the awkward things we need to do right away is send the agency a card for the birth mom. Um, where is the section of Hallmark for "thank you for picking me to raise your child"? We found a pretty, yet simple thank you card and are just writing our own message and including a photo from Halloween.
Mind is still racing... busy day ahead. Love you all! I just can't thank you enough for the support you have shown us over the last year as we started on this journey.
I could not be happier for you guys. I am glad the call came so soon (although I'm sure it felt like forever). Love to all of you!