Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Wish

Dear Squirt and Spud,
This weekend I went by myself to Chicago to attend the wedding of one of my oldest friends, your Auntie D. She and I have known each other for over 17 years now and can't really remember life before I knew her. I went to college with her now husband, so this weekend was like a mini-high school and college reunion. I had an incredibly great time.

I talked a lot about both of you this weekend. Squirt: several of my friends also have kiddos about your age, so we talked about books and potty training and just the silly stuff we are experiencing raising toddlers. And Spud: lots of people are following this blog and had questions about when exactly you will join our family. They are nearly as excited to meet you as we are. The cab driver on the way to the airport this morning asked me if I had kids and I responded "two." As soon as the word was out of my mouth it kind of shocked me at the realization of just how much you are already apart of my life and heart.

This weekend as I spent time laughing and catching up with my friends, all I could think about is how lucky I am. While I may not talk to these people every day, they are the family I have created for myself, and by extension, for you. I am so incredibly proud of the adults we have all become and the way we have rallied together to face challenges and gathered together to celebrate happy moments. As Scotty and I were leaving the reception we passed a group of 4 older adults standing together and talking. It seemed as if they had known each other for years and Scotty & I both had the same thought, "Would that be us many years in the future?" I can only hope so.

Kiddos, one of my biggest wishes for you is that you find friends that love you and that you love as much as I do my friends. True friendship isn't always easy, but it is very much worth it. And the longer you have your friends, the more you will appreciate them. These are the people that you don't have to explain yourself to... they know your quirks and strange qualities and love you anyways. These are the people that you would travel a million miles for in times of tragedy and joy because you know that they would do the same for you in a heartbeat. They are the people that regardless of how much time passes between phone calls/emails/visits, you can pick up with as if no time has passed. They are the ones you can count on if you need a kidney, bailed out of jail, or just a hug. They know how to make you laugh and don't judge you when you cry.

So to all my friends that have helped me become the woman I am today: Thank you! When I look at each of you, I see how you were on the day we met and marvel at the amazing person you have become. I imagine how you will be in 20 years, and it is such a beautiful picture. We are all doing such great things with our lives and I know that a large part of our ability to do that is because of the strength and support our friendship grants us. I love you!

P.S. Slera, you need to hurry up and get hitched so we have an excuse to reunite again!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Holding Pattern

All we can do now is wait. Our home study is done and we just have to wait until next week to get the rough draft. We will make any needed corrections to that, send it back, and then the final draft will be on the way to the agency. It takes them about 2 days to review it and request any additional documentation (unless I'm not reading something correctly, we should have everything done). Then we are told we can activate.

I have the contract downstairs, just need to take it to a friend next week to get notarized. And we have requested the check for the activation fee from the bank. The minute I get the e-mail that we are ready to activate, I will overnight mail that all to the agency.

And then we wait to get THE CALL.

I've started making all the what-if plans, but really, I think it is best to just slow down and put my mind on something, anything, else. I'm making Squishy hide the adoption books and block the agency website from my computer. I'm going to put my energy on the daycare for now instead.

Hope all is well with each of you!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Family Sunday and Money Stress (Adoption is EXPENSIVE)

It isn't even 130 yet and we have accomplished a TON today! While we had a lot that we needed/wanted to accomplish today, we've been doing it at a calm pace and together as a family, so it has been very enjoyable. I just keep wondering how many Sunday's we have left as a family of three.

Today I drove the mini-van to the grocery store for the first time. Opened up the sun roof and just smiled!!! It is ridiculously funny to me how a ten year old vehicle with nearly 140,000 miles can make me so happy, but it totally does.

Big thing on our minds right now with the adoption is the cost. Several factors are at play right now: we set our match budget with the agency and went slightly higher than average in order to get our profile out to more birth mom's. When we set that number though we had expected Squishy to have gotten his bonus from work, but now we won't get that money until sometime between late September and late November. As I mentioned in the last post, we are Dave Ramsey converts and so we do everything with cash. We could get a credit card to pay for some of the upfront fees so that we have more available cash (the only thing they accept for matches), but that just doesn't feel right. Besides, we've already accepted that fact that we might have to use credit for the travel portion of the adoption. So that leaves us with several options:

1) Lower our match budget. The amount of cash we have on hand right this second is exactly what the average adoption costs. While that is great, it means we won't be shown to birth mom's with higher expenses/needs, thus possibly increasing our wait time.

2) Delay activation until the bonus comes through.

3) Keep our match budget the same and ask family members for personal loans to help in the event we get matched before the bonus comes through. While the amount of money is relatively small and spread out over several parents and grandparents we think it would be manageable, we really hate to go this direction. We very much pride ourselves on our financial stability.

I've always been a stress ball about money. I'm starting to look into loan programs and the military will help us with some costs after the adoption is finalized. Plus we will get a nice tax break. But none of that helps us right now if we get the call before Squishy gets his bonus.

If it was just me, I would turn off the Internet, cancel my cell phone, and just live on ramen noodles. But that's not really want I want this experience to be about for any of us. Yes, I am desperate for another child, but I don't want my memories of getting Spud to be about deprivation. Instead, we are cutting back where we can (mainly going from 6 meals out a week to maybe 1) and just really budgeting carefully.

In the meantime, I am still busy selling stuff, so if anyone wants to purchase a beautiful size 12 wedding dress, treadmill, tv, or carpet cleaner, please let me know. ;)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Signs from God

Squishy and I are not what you would call religious by any stretch of the imagination. I'm more open to God then he is, but more in that I count my blessings/pray for people/watch for signs kind of way... not in the go to church way.

This last week though we encounter a strange series of events that is really making me feel like a higher power is watching out for us and cheering us on. The story makes me smile, so I thought I would share it here.

For the last few years, I have really wanted a mini van. A ring makes you officially married, a mini van makes you officially a mom, in my mind. The car I have I got in college and is not very suitable for one kid, let alone multiple children (manual locks, manual windows, no cruise control, no anti-lock brakes, and very little room for car seats). While Squishy was deployed it was okay because I could just drive his vehicle, but now that he is back, he wants his truck and not my car that recently lost power steering and air conditioning (so now it is a bit like driving a very hot go kart).

Mini vans are expensive and having recently become a Dave Ramsey convert, I was having mega guilty feelings about spending money on a luxury, rather than a need. Plus, as I have previously mentioned, adoption is expensive and we are watching every penny. Therefore, I had pretty much resigned myself to getting a used mini van and was trying to hold off as long as possible so that we could just pay cash.

A few weeks ago my husband went on a run past what we call "The Lemon Lot," the place on base folks park their vehicles for sale. It is kind of out of the way, so it is odd that he went past it all, but there for sale was a mini van. He let me know when he got home from working out and we went to look at it before he went to work. I thought it looked good and the price was right, so he took down the number. He test drove it later that day (I just defer to him on car matters and trust his judgment).

The next day we left for vacation and Squishy spent a great deal of the trip researching the vehicle and talking to his dad's about whether it was a good price and whether he should try to bargain. Towards the end of the trip, he called the seller, offered $500 less than asking price, and they accepted. We requested a check from our bank for the amount and set a time to finalize the sale.

When the check arrived, Squishy called the sellers, who informed him that they had "prayed about it" and took another $500 off the price. WHO DOES THAT?!? We were very thrilled, as again, every penny matters right now.

When we went to get the van yesterday, I told the seller how thankful I was because we were trying to adopt. She said that the van had been on the lot for nearly a month with no real interest and that the day Squishy called, she just knew we were the right family. After she and Squishy finalized the price, her daily scripture was about how you get richer by giving, so she texted her husband and said that she wanted to lower the price and he agreed. Turns out that they are also Dave Ramsey converts. Oh, and they are getting ready to go on vacation, where they plan to meet with an adoption agency!

Pretty freaky, huh? But it gets better...

Since we knew we were buying the mini van, last weekend I had Squishy put my car up on Craigs List. He got a couple of hits and had a few folks test drive it early in the week. Today he had another appointment for a family to test drive it, and it sounds like they are the ones. Here's why:

I am a pretty big Scooby Doo fan, so there is a bumper sticker, floor mats, and sun shade in my car. Turns out they want to buy it for their 16 year old son who is "the biggest Scooby fan ever."

Also, Squishy's brother joined the Marines out of high school and I promptly slapped a "my brother is a US Marine" bumper sticker on the car. Turns out their other son is getting ready to leave for Marine basic.

And in more "who does that?" craziness... tomorrow Squishy is meeting them to have a mechanic friend of theirs fix the belt that is causing the AC and power steering not to work. Keep in mind, they haven't bought the car yet! How awesome is that? I can't imagine that they will go to all that work and then not want it, so with a little luck, that vehicle will be sold very soon.

It just makes me smile that everything comes full circle. And it has been so heart warming to see people just do nice things (lower the price, fix a car that isn't theirs yet).

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Squishy is downstairs doing his portion of the home study, and I'm upstairs trying my best not to listen in. ;)

So far it is going really well. Our social worker is very nice and easy to talk to. She has worked with our agency before and said that they are one of the best. She told us that she met with a family in March for their initial home study and was back in April for their follow-up! Hopefully she will be back here in a few months for ours.

I had dinner ready right when she got here so we just sat around the table talking and eating. That lasted just shy of about two hours. Then Squishy brought the kiddo upstairs and got him ready for bed while I did my interview.

None of the questions really surprised me, so that's good. The question I think I got hung up on the most is "what have you learned about yourself in the adoption process?" Um.....

So that's that. Really, if you are thinking about adoption or ever need a home study, so not anything to worry about. :)

Today is the day...

... that I officially give up control over this whole adoption process. Tonight is our home study and then it is out of my hands.

I have no doubt that we will pass our home study... Squishy is in the military and they keep him on a pretty tight leash, so he'll check out clean. And I just got certified to run a day care in my home which required ridiculous amounts of background checks and home inspections as well.

I'm rereading Dan Savage's book "The Kid" and last night I was at the part where he talks about the home study. It's a long passage, so I won't type it all out here, but basically it boils down to only for adoption do you have to first prove that you are a fit parent. In the natural baby making world anyone can get pregnant, regardless of their income, health, living situation, or substance use. They only get denied kids AFTER they screw up, and even then, they still get to have more (look at Casey Anthony... no one is going to stop her from having another kiddo).

So my real fear isn't the home study. I've prepped a meal for us and I'm sending Squirt to a friends house this afternoon so that I can remove the top layer of toddler dirt from my house. Then I will take a shower, but some make-up on, and just try to be my sweet, charming self (HA!).

But then it's done. There is no more paperwork to work on. No more profile drafts to edit. Just waiting.

Since I don't wait well, I'm trying to find things that to fill the time. One thing that I realized I can start once the home study is official is applying for adoption grants. There are TONS of programs that will give you money for your adoption, it is just a matter of doing the searches and finding ones that fit your situation, and once again doing paperwork. Most of them are just small grants, but when you are looking at such an expensive process, I'll gladly take a couple of hundred dollars here and a couple of hundred dollars there.

As you may be able to tell from this blog, the adoption has pretty much taken over any free space in my brain. If I'm not with Squirt or doing something that requires my full attention, I'm thinking about this adoption. My computer time is spent reading blogs, looking up books, visiting our agencies website for the hundredth time.

Yesterday, I did a search for reviews of our agency. I did this months ago before we settled with this agency, but I'm finding that rereading things (like "The Kid") at this stage in the process sheds a completely different light. One of the reviews I read was from a woman who activated with the agency, was matched with a mom 13 days later, and the baby was born 15 days after that. That's less than a month!

I keep looking at the agencies statistics... 1-9 months before we have a baby. 1-9 months!

Oh, little Spud, if you are already out there somewhere or growing in a tummy, please know that I love you so much. This is going to be an interesting adventure for all of us, and I may not always know the exact right thing to do or how best to support you, but you should always know that you are my heart & soul. I haven't even met you yet, and already I know that I wouldn't be the same without you. Momma loves you more than words and I hope you always know how truly wanted you are.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

25 Hours

Really nothing new to report, except that our homestudy is in 25 hours! I have the nervous butterflies in my stomach. After tomorrow night, this whole process is pretty much out of my hands, which is hard, since I'm a major control freak. I almost feel numb right now. I am so nervous and excited. Part of me just wants to go to bed and wake up when it is over. I *KNOW* it will be okay, but I really think that next step is freakin' me out.

I told the hubby last night that this part reminds me of all the ovulation tests we tooks and trying to get pregnant a few years ago. Now we are just waiting for a positive test result.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The last few days have been pretty crazy around here. Yesterday morning Squirt had surgery (tubes in his ears/adenoids removed). He pulled through like a trooper. After we got home, gave him some breakfast, and let him take a nap on the couch he was acting as if nothing had happened.

Last night we got a surprising adoption related phone call that has kind of left my mind spinning. A family member offered to get pregnant so that we could adopt her child. My first reaction is just pure and total shock. We had joked about it, but never really expected her to seriously consider it. Next, I am completely flattered that someone would love us and think that we are qualified enough parents to do that. After that, my mind just collapses into a bunch of unfinished thoughts and questions.

This morning from midnight to 3am, Squirt decided that hanging out with Squishy and I was all that he wanted. Unfortunately, we wanted to sleep. As all you parents know, we lost the sleep battle, since it is hard to catch zzz's when you are wondering what your 2 year old is up to.

Today all three of us met with our doctors to get paperwork filled out confirming that we have average life expectancies and can in fact raise another kiddo.

Came home from that and spent the afternoon filling out more forms (I swear they multiply while sitting on my desk) and making photo copies. Tomorrow it is off to the vet to pick up our pup's shot records; photocopy a giant stack of the above mentioned paperwork and get it mailed off to the agency. This is part of the home study review process.

Less than 48 hours until the social worker comes!!! Spent a bit of time today organizing and cleaning. On Thursday I will do a final mop and sweep of the floors and scrubbing of the toilets.

I'm so nervous for the home study, even though I am completely confident that it will go well. I don't say that to sound cocky, but rather because I really trust that Squishy and I are good people and that our home is a safe, nurturing, loving place for a child. Yet, I'm still nervous about how to prepare. What should I wear? Usually the moment my day is over, I change into my pj's. I'm thinking maybe just jeans and a nice top, and I don't know, maybe actually take down my "mom" ponytail and slap some make-up on. I'm also trying to figure out food for that evening. The social worker gets here at 5; we usually eat at 5:30. Do I invite her to join us? I just don't know the proper home study etiquette.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Back from vacation!

Squishy, Squirt, and I have just returned home from an awesomely relaxing vacation with my parents and grandparents. We also got to spend some time with my sis and her clan.

We got another proof of our adoption profile and took some more pictures, but didn't really do anything "productive" on that front.

We did spend A LOT of time talking about Spud. We have a trip to Squishy's hometown planned in August to attend a cousin's wedding and sister's baby shower, and to celebrate Squirt's second birthday. Beyond that, the next time we travel as a family will probably be to pick up Spud!!! Good thing that we just purchased a mini-van to comfortably hold us all.

Also on this vacation, Squirt made a lot of advancements. When we left he could point to his nose and eyes. Now he knows ears, forehead, teeth, tongue, cheeks, chin, and toes. He is starting to recognize numbers (like if there are several numbers, you can ask him to point to the two, and he will). He also continued to improve on his swimming and showed us that he is fearless (I barely let him leave the room without his swim floaty on). New words include "bird" and "cheese." Thanks to some awesome Sesame Street books he got a lot of practice with colors and shapes, and can now identify "Abby" "Elmo" and "Big Bird."

I have observed that it takes him getting away from home and out of his routine a bit to really display his new skills and abilities. Has anyone else noticed this with their kid?

Oh! I'll have to find a way to post it here, but Squishy got an awesome video of Squirt demonstrating his OCD. The boys went to the park, where a bunch of girls were drawing with chalk, which they left scattered all over. Squirt took it upon himself to line it all up. It's really cute how organized my 2 year old can be, but also kind of intimidating. Any other kiddos have the same issue?

While we were gone, we were mailed some more paperwork to complete and mail for our FBI background checks. It feels like the paperwork never ends! Advice: if you ever decide to adopt, consider the paperwork equal to a part-time job; or hire an assistant!

This week (Thursday) is our home study!!!! The last piece of the puzzle that we can control. So exciting and scary at the same time. Time to get off the computer and work on grocery shopping and getting back into a "routine."

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Want to feel like a completely unequipped parent?

... then try adopting a child!

Oy! Some days I just get so overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork that goes into the home study portion of this process.

I just finished yet another form, for which I had to track down addresses/job history/educational history/military history/medical history stuff for both Squishy and I for the last 10+ years. Brain overload!

Earlier today we went and got photographed and fingerprinted for our FBI background checks.

The good news is I am down to just 4 items on my home study to-do list: shot records for the dog, photos of the house, copy of our latest tax return, and medical appointments for all of us. EXHAUSTING!

I think in light of the Casey Anthony verdict the other day, I'm a bit of an exposed nerve when it comes to parenting. I start to tear up every time I think of that little girl. Whether her death was an accident that they tried to cover up or whether she was murdered, I think all of us can agree that it was the result of poor parenting. The sad part is, even if everyone had to go through the whole home study process before bringing home a kiddo, bad stuff will still happen.

I've seen plenty of people that probably don't look great on paper as parents, either for health or financial reasons or whatever, that love and protect their kids in a way that I completely admire. Then there are other people who have all the money in the world and can check all the boxes for "what a kid needs," but that are still really crappy parents.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

One more update for today...

Last week we finished submitting all the photos and essays to our agency so that they could create our profile for birth mom's to see. We were told it would be 10 business days until we saw a draft, so we were expecting to see something next week. Tonight we got a surprise though: our rough draft of our profile!

Ohmygosh! It is just so exciting and scary to see our pictures and words brought to life, knowing that this is what our next kiddo's birth mom is going to use to select us.

Our adoption specialist really only had two suggestions for us, one being a small word change, and the other that we only use photos of Squirt as a toddler, rather than as a baby, so that birth mom's don't think we have a super little one at home already. Squishy and I spent some time looking through photos and e-mailed back some changes. We will keep going back and forth like this... them sending us a draft with suggestions, us making changes... until we are all confident that we are presenting our best selves.

The agency uses our profiles in 2 ways. First, all active families are featured on their website so that if a pregnant woman visits their website they can see potential families. They also send birth mom's hard copies of profiles for families that match their desires. For example, if a birth mom wants her child raised in California, on a farm, by a family that already has kids, the agency does a search and only sends her profiles of families that match. While each profile is going to be unique as far as images and essays go, the agency uses a standard 4 page booklet format. This makes it easier for a birth mom to compare and contrast and eliminates a birth mom judging a family based on whose profile is more elaborate.

Over the next few months, we will probably have our camera with us wherever we go so that the agency can continually keep our photos up to date, especially the ones of Squirt. So if you see us out and about doing something fun or looking cute, please help us out and snap a few pics. Please & thank you!

FAQ on Adopting

After having two awkward conversations with complete strangers yesterday during Squirt's doctors appointment about adoption, I asked Squishy if he ever had to deal with random questions. In yet another example of "how men & women are different" he couldn't even recall the last conversation he'd had about adoption with someone other than a family member. I may be overgeneralizing here, but it seems that women are just a bit more curious about other people's lives and ask more detailed question. I totally understand the questions, since I myself am often guilty of being too interested in other folks businesses. In an attempt to be a bit proactive, here are some commonly asked questions about our adoption. I will try to go back and add to this post as I think of stuff, but in the meantime, please feel free to ask a question in the comments section, and I will do my best to answer it.

OH! Before we get too far into this whole blogging thing, I need to add a major disclaimer: The stories here are just my experiences. Every adoptive family is different and has a unique story. There are bunches of ways to adopt and I am in no way an expert on anything.

Question: Is Squirt adopted?
Answer: Nope.

Question: So then why adopt?
Answer: While dating and in the early parts of our marriage, Squishy and I always debated the number of kiddos we wanted. He said two, I said three. We were young and naive and like most people just assumed that pregnancy and kiddos would come to us easily and that we were somehow in control of the number. After a few years of trying, we got pregnant with Squirt and right from the beginning it was an emotional roller coaster. Some of the highlights: gestational diabetes & insulin, a week in the hospital on bed rest, and little man arriving 5 weeks early. The major blow though was when we learned that Squishy and I were both carriers for Cystic Fibrosis. After getting an amnio and waiting several long weeks, we were relieved to learn that Squirt is a carrier, but thankfully does not have the disease.

Around that time, we started to think about our family and our options. We could have another bio baby, but at the end, we decided the risks were too high. We thought about making Squirt just an only child, but the bottom line is our family just doesn't feel complete with one kiddo. And so we made the decision to adopt.

Question: What agency are you using?
Answer: We are working with American Adoptions in Kansas. When I started doing research about adoption, I was a bit overwhelmed by all of the different options. We knew that we wanted an open-adoption (more on that later), and this agency specializes in those. In addition, the real benefit for us is that they handle everything from designing our profile to advertising to birth mom's to coordinating with the lawyers. As emotionally draining as adoption can be, we wanted an agency that would hold our hand through all the steps, which they have. I will mention that if anyone reading this is looking for an agency, I HIGHLY recommend American Adoptions. When you first look at them, their costs may seem higher than other agencies, but if you look closely, you will see that it is because American Adoptions doesn't have any hidden fees. In addition, they allow you to set your own budget. Plus, if a birth mom does change her mind and a match falls through, your money is safe, which means you can try again when you are emotionally ready.

Question: Where are you at in the process?
Answer: We are just about ready to be "active." Our agency has a three step process to becoming active. The first is a detailed assessment of what we are looking for. This form took us awhile and resulted in some very honest conversations between Squishy and myself. We had to make decisions on what our budget would be, what race(s) of baby we would be willing to parent, and what type of social/medical history we were comfortable with the birth mom having.

The next step was the creation of our profile, which is what birth mom's will see. We had to write a letter to the birth parents, submit a bunch of photos, and answer several essay questions about our lifestyle and how we plan to raise our kiddos. Our profile is currently being created and sometime in the next week or so we will get a rough draft and suggestions for changes from our adoption specialist. We will make the necessary tweaks and then that step will be done.

And the final step to becoming active is the home study. For us, this has been the step that requires the most time/paperwork. It all concludes with a social worker coming to visit us in a few weeks. After the visit, she will *hopefully* compile a report letting the agency (and birth mom's) know that we are qualified to parent another child. Once that is done, we will be "active"... hopefully in mid-August.

Question: What happens after you are active?
Answer: We wait. The next step after that is being "matched" or picked by a birth mom. Sometimes this happens while the birth mom is still pregnant, sometimes it happens right after she has the baby, and other times it happens when the kiddo is a bit older. We said that we would take a child up age 18 months.

Question: How long will it take?
Answer: The average placement time for our agency is 1-9 months, so we are aiming for sometime between September and May.

Question: How much does it cost?
Answer: A LOT! The upfront costs include the home study, getting finger printed for our back ground checks, and activation fees with the agency. As I mentioned before, our agency let us set our budget, which is how much we can afford to pay for the birth mom's living expenses, medical stuff, and lawyers fees. How our agency works is that when a birth mom contacts them, they calculate her level of need and only show her profiles of families that can afford that particular set of circumstances. Once we are matched, our next big expense will be traveling to get Spud. If we are matched during a pregnancy, we will be called when she goes into labor and have 24 hours to get to her. Last minute travel for a family of three can be pricey, plus we could be out of town for a week or up to a month. Oy! Then depending on the birth mom's home state, we might need to travel back there to finalize the adoption a few months later.

Question: How are you paying for the adoption?
Answer: Right now, just with savings. Some of our friends have done fundraising to help off-set the cost and we have thought about this. Part of us thinks it is a good idea since we know so many of our friends & family love us and want to help. On the other hand, we feel a bit awkward asking for help with getting our next kiddo. Once our home study is completed, we will start the process of applying for grants and scholarships from various agencies. And once the adoption is complete, the military will reimburse some of our expenses and we will be eligible for a tax rebate from the feds.

Question: Why do you call the baby Spud?
Answer: The hubby's nickname is Squishy and I'm Sunny. During our pregnancy, we started calling the baby Squirt. When it came to picking a nickname for the next kiddo, an "S" name was needed. We went with Spud, illustrated by Mr (or Mrs) Potato Head. I like what the Potato Head's symbolize... the ability to change and be whomever you want to be. In addition, I absolutely LOVE Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head in the Toy Story movies.

Question: Why did you decide to adopt a black baby?
Answer: Our agency has two programs... a traditional program and an agency assisted program. We knew from the beginning that the color of our baby didn't really matter to us and our main priorities were getting a kiddo quickly, since we knew adoption can take a long time and we wanted our children close in age. The agency assisted program is also subsidized, meaning we are able to spend more on raising our child rather than on fees. A lot of my reason for starting this blog is to work through my feelings on a transracial adoption. The truth is, I'm not worried at all about what happens within the four walls of our home or with our close friends and family. I do worry about what happens outside of the security bubble and hope that I am able to raise Spud to feel comfortable in our family but also comfortable with his or her heritage. This is one of the big benefits to us of an open adoption.

Question: What do you mean by open adoption?
Answer: In short, we are open to Spud having a relationship with their biological family. We really do believe that it takes a village to raise a child and the more people that can love and support our kid, the more successful we feel he or she will be. In addition, we hope that by having an open adoption, Spud will understand that they were always loved and wanted, not "given up" by their birth mom. The level of openness will depend on the comfort of the birth mom and may change as the years go on. It might be as simple as us sending annual pictures and letters to the agency to forward to the birth mom, or it might result in phone calls and visits. Ideally, we would like the birth family to become part of our extended family.

Question: What can I do to help?
Answer: First, your support and positive energy means so much to us. Please also keep all the birth mom's out there in your thoughts. There is a very good chance that Spud has already been conceived, so we just hope he or she is getting good prenatal care. Next, if you find yourself with an abundance of money and want to send some our way, we will gladly take it. LOL! And finally, if in your daily life you come across a young woman who is pregnant and thinking about adoption, please encourage her to contact American Adoptions. We might not be the right family to raise her kiddo, but I'm sure there is a couple that would be honored to welcome her child into their family. She can call the agency and talk to someone 24 hours a day, without any kind of obligation.


As this blog continues, you will learn more (probably A LOT more than you want to know) about myself and my family. But for now, I just want to welcome you to my little corner of cyberspace and tell you a bit about why I am starting this blog.

My husband and I are in the final stages of becoming an "active" family with an adoption agency, with the hopes of adding a munchkin to our family within the next few months. We already have one adorable and energetic little guy.

In addition to the adoption, our lives are mostly defined by being a military family. The hubby (aka Squishy) just returned from his 4th tour overseas. Like most military families we are far from our blood families which creates some interesting dynamics.

With Squishy's seemingly never ending deployments, I made the decision to be a stay at home mom. Best job I have ever had, but also the hardest. For any of you who have done it, I know I am preaching to the choir when I talk about how exhausting it is. It also brings up feelings of losing myself and feeling like I'm not really contributing to my family financially. To counter those feelings, as you read this blog, I will from time to time talk about my at home daycare business and working on my doctorate in education.

Other topics that you will have to deal with me verbally vomiting about: weight loss, travel, and books.

I'm excited to get to share my life with you and to hopefully get to learn more about each of you in the process.

Thank you!