Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Wish

Dear Squirt and Spud,
This weekend I went by myself to Chicago to attend the wedding of one of my oldest friends, your Auntie D. She and I have known each other for over 17 years now and can't really remember life before I knew her. I went to college with her now husband, so this weekend was like a mini-high school and college reunion. I had an incredibly great time.

I talked a lot about both of you this weekend. Squirt: several of my friends also have kiddos about your age, so we talked about books and potty training and just the silly stuff we are experiencing raising toddlers. And Spud: lots of people are following this blog and had questions about when exactly you will join our family. They are nearly as excited to meet you as we are. The cab driver on the way to the airport this morning asked me if I had kids and I responded "two." As soon as the word was out of my mouth it kind of shocked me at the realization of just how much you are already apart of my life and heart.

This weekend as I spent time laughing and catching up with my friends, all I could think about is how lucky I am. While I may not talk to these people every day, they are the family I have created for myself, and by extension, for you. I am so incredibly proud of the adults we have all become and the way we have rallied together to face challenges and gathered together to celebrate happy moments. As Scotty and I were leaving the reception we passed a group of 4 older adults standing together and talking. It seemed as if they had known each other for years and Scotty & I both had the same thought, "Would that be us many years in the future?" I can only hope so.

Kiddos, one of my biggest wishes for you is that you find friends that love you and that you love as much as I do my friends. True friendship isn't always easy, but it is very much worth it. And the longer you have your friends, the more you will appreciate them. These are the people that you don't have to explain yourself to... they know your quirks and strange qualities and love you anyways. These are the people that you would travel a million miles for in times of tragedy and joy because you know that they would do the same for you in a heartbeat. They are the people that regardless of how much time passes between phone calls/emails/visits, you can pick up with as if no time has passed. They are the ones you can count on if you need a kidney, bailed out of jail, or just a hug. They know how to make you laugh and don't judge you when you cry.

So to all my friends that have helped me become the woman I am today: Thank you! When I look at each of you, I see how you were on the day we met and marvel at the amazing person you have become. I imagine how you will be in 20 years, and it is such a beautiful picture. We are all doing such great things with our lives and I know that a large part of our ability to do that is because of the strength and support our friendship grants us. I love you!

P.S. Slera, you need to hurry up and get hitched so we have an excuse to reunite again!

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