Thursday, July 7, 2011

Want to feel like a completely unequipped parent?

... then try adopting a child!

Oy! Some days I just get so overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork that goes into the home study portion of this process.

I just finished yet another form, for which I had to track down addresses/job history/educational history/military history/medical history stuff for both Squishy and I for the last 10+ years. Brain overload!

Earlier today we went and got photographed and fingerprinted for our FBI background checks.

The good news is I am down to just 4 items on my home study to-do list: shot records for the dog, photos of the house, copy of our latest tax return, and medical appointments for all of us. EXHAUSTING!

I think in light of the Casey Anthony verdict the other day, I'm a bit of an exposed nerve when it comes to parenting. I start to tear up every time I think of that little girl. Whether her death was an accident that they tried to cover up or whether she was murdered, I think all of us can agree that it was the result of poor parenting. The sad part is, even if everyone had to go through the whole home study process before bringing home a kiddo, bad stuff will still happen.

I've seen plenty of people that probably don't look great on paper as parents, either for health or financial reasons or whatever, that love and protect their kids in a way that I completely admire. Then there are other people who have all the money in the world and can check all the boxes for "what a kid needs," but that are still really crappy parents.

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