A bit of a disclaimer first: I think everyone who reads this is going to differ in opinion from me, and I think that is okay. I am in no way saying that I am right, in fact I am admitting that religion/spirituality is something I struggle with. But it is a PERSONAL struggle, so please, Please, PLEASE do not preach at me.
I believe in a Higher Power, that something beyond my comprehension is overseeing this world and system of things. After that, I'm not really sure about anything.
I want to believe in some sort of after life, especially because I want to think my Grandpa is still watching over me and is seeing how my life plays out.
I do believe that suffering is real, which I struggle with A LOT. Whether that is a result of the Devil or just a limit on the Higher Powers ability, I have no clue.
I do pray, but it is more like meditation... and I always start with counting my blessings, and then asking for guidance on what I am struggling with.
I have no problem with prayer before meals and things, but I get annoyed by prayer before things like football games.
The Bible has a lot of powerful lessons, but the one that I am most committed to is "LOVE." I'm pretty open-minded and liberal. I make a bunch of mistakes and so I don't think I am in any position to judge anyone else. On that same note, I absolutely cannot wrap my brain around ANY KILLING in the name of God. I don't care how strong your beliefs are or how much someone disagrees with you... MURDER IS WRONG.
Now that I am a parent, the questions have become a lot harder to answer and I am constantly thinking about what I will teach Squirt and Spud 2.0. We do not currently go to church as a family, but I would like to. I think that having a "church home" (as they say a lot down here in the south) is important for networking and support. I want to make sure my kids are aware of the Bible and what it is about, because I think knowing that is critical to being considered "well educated." But I also plan to teach them about other belief systems because I think those are just as important. Ideally, I want my kids to think and explore and make their own opinions. I guess to me, "religious freedom" is highly important.
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