Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 6: 30 Facts About Moi

1. I started this entry by numbering my blog 1-30, just like I used to number my paper before a test in school.

2. I miss school. I started working on my doctorate through a mostly on-line program, but I think that I need the actual interaction/going to class component.

3. I would really love for someone to just give me a complete make-over... tell me the best hair cut and color, which make-up is the best for my face, and help me find all the right clothes.

4. I've had 4 cars in my driving life (14 years)... an acclaim that I bought from my grandpa, a used Saturn, a Kia Rio, and now a mini-van. I'm not really a "car" person... if it gets me and all my stuff from Point A to Point B safely, I'm happy.

5. I am so not a phone person. With the exception of my mom and my high school friends, I just am not good with on the phone chit-chat. So I apologize if you call me and I seem distant or in a hurry to get off the phone. I promise it's not you, it's me.

6. Speaking of my high school friends: they are still some of the coolest people I know. I'd love to move into a house with them (or a commune!) and film a reality show.

7. People like to comment that I am a fast reader. After reading a book, I can tell you the main points and such, but am crappy about remembering little details. This makes rereading books good, but makes school/text books really difficult.

8. I am always in the process of reading at least 1 book (usually more like 3 or 4). If you are ever stuck on what kind of gift to buy me: books, gift cards to book stores, or Amazon Kindle credits will never disappoint.

9. There are just so many books in the world that I want to read, and sometimes I feel guilty doing it, but re-reading an old favorite can just be extremely pleasurable.

10. For stress relief, there is no substitute for a hot bath. Whenever I design my "dream" home in my head, I always start with the bathroom, with a giant whirlpool tub.

11. I always have one hard-core celebrity crush. In the past it has been Chris O'Donnell and Josh Hartnet. Currently, Peyton Manning has my heart.

12. Ha! Just remembered that it was a list with a similar subject that I used to announce my pregnancy on facebook back in early 2009.

13. I really want to move back to the midwest to be closer to family, however, after 5 1/2 years in Texas, I'm pretty sure I would have to hibernate in my house to survive winter.

14. I have HORRIBLE hand-eye coordination. I can SEE things just fine and I KNOW what to do, but making it happen isn't going to happen. This is why sports and crafts are beyond me, regardless of how much I practice or want to improve.

15. Number 14 is kind of a shame because I would love to be the stay at home mom who is super crafty... especially now that I have become addicted to Pinterest.

16. I'm proud of myself for finally reaching the age/maturity level that I can admit that I'm not crafty and not feel inferior to those who are.

17. By my own definition, I'm not a very good stay at home mom. The house usually looks pretty lived in, I suck at clipping/keeping up with coupons, the meals aren't fancy, and I surely don't look like June Cleaver all dolled up. I think it is going to be a life long struggle to let go of the perfectionist attitude and be okay with doing my best, while enjoying what is really at the heart of being a stay at home mom: my family.

18. I'm ashamed to admit that I have worn my wedding regularly since September because my fingers have gotten kind of fat. I can put the rings on, but by the end of the day, my fingers are so sausage like that the rings hurt.

19. I think that I'm going to go get my Zac tattoo this weekend. I've decided on just a small outline of a heart with his name in the middle, probably on my ankle.

20. I would love to have one more meal with my mom and grandparents around the dinner table in the house where I grew up. I don't think I appreciated those times enough, but those are some of my most comforting memories. I really hope my kids grow up with that same experience of connectedness.

21. Blake Shelton's song "The Baby," always makes me ball. It makes me think of my grandma. I've said it before, but she and I really are the same person, just 50 years apart. She and I get each other in a way I can't explain and being away from her is super sucky.

22. My favorite magazine is "People." It takes me just about one hour to read it from cover to cover. I recommend reading it as a study guide for anyone who plays trivia games in order to excel in the "pop culture" categories. (That includes you, Squishy!)

23. My awesome mother-in-law got me a subscription to O magazine and I love it, however, a lot of times, I think some of the ideas presented are wayyyy over my head. I try with every issue to read it from cover to cover and after nearly 2 years have yet to succeed. P.S. With O magazine, I ALWAYS read the last page/column first.

24. When Hubby and I were dating, we had this on-going competition with arcade game "Police Trainer." There was one in the Dairy Queen where we lived in Missouri and we always had to play. It has been years since I have seen one, but I have great memories of the game.

25. I need more friends to play board games with. If you live in the Big Country and enjoy board games, I am accepting applications. Farkle, Yahtzee, Settlers, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble... you pick your poison.

26. I really, Really, REALLY want my own pool. I love being in the water. I feel like Michael Phelps. Regardless of how slow or uncoordinated I am, swimming makes me feel powerful and strong. And afterwards I feel super duper accomplished.

27. My favorite shirt is this black and white top that belonged to a friend. We were getting ready to go out for the night and the shirt I was wearing had random "I have a 2 year old" ick on it. We ran up to her room, she showed me the top that she never wore anymore and I fell in love. I would wear it every day if it was socially acceptable.

28. Owning my own home terrifies the heck out of me! It just seems like A LOT of responsibility and what if something breaks? And yet... besides Spud 2.0 it is my biggest desire right now.

29. Speaking of homes, my dream is to buy just a giant chunk of land and let people I love build their own homes on it.

30. We have reached the end. *Drum Roll please* The last fact about me for today is that after spending nearly an hour on this silly entry, it is time for a nap!

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