Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 9: Back to the Future

Just a few days ago I typed about how I imagine my life in 10 years, and I really don't know if I have much to add for "how I imagine my future." I think I mostly just want to keep on this path and keep experiencing life to the fullest. That means appreciating the little joys and recognizing that sometimes life sucks and is going to hurt A LOT.

Of course there is a part of me that hopes I get drop-dead gorgeous, write an international best-seller, get my doctorate and change the course of education, and get to have an approved by Squishy life-time love affair with Peyton Manning.

I think the past 30 years have taught me that I need to not plan or imagine my life too much. Lord knows the plans I have for myself rarely unfold. 15 years ago I was all set to be a lawyer, consumed with my career, and maybe having a family. 10 years ago, I was in college, with no clue what I wanted to be, but convinced I would be a career woman, and maybe have a family. 5 years ago I had a career plan and was married, and desperately wanting a family, but had no plans to do the stay at home mom thing. And now look at me! The idea of having a career and all that being successful requires has zero appeal to me; I'm beyond thrilled that I get to spend all my time with Squirt. Right now I can't imagine changing anything, but who knows what tomorrow will bring?

1 comment:

  1. I always feel weird when I get asked "where do you see yourself in 10 years?" because to answer honestly in any interview would probably be disastrous.

    I've hit this point where... I mean, I'm sitting in Mexico as a house-wife. How in the hell could I have possibly arrived at that conclusion 10 years ago? I wouldn't have, and I wouldn't have been excited if I knew that was where I was going to be now. But I love it!

    I'm more excited to just take the bull by the horns and see where I end up. 'But you have to have a plan,' says society. And somewhere in that back and forth lies the root of every anxiety attack I've ever had. *and then i found five dollars.*
