Monday, October 17, 2011


If you had any clue how ready we are for you to join our family, I'm sure the phone would ring right this second telling us that you are on the way home.

Daddy and I have been talking about your name for quite awhile now and have settled on two names that start with the letter "Z." Your big brothers name starts with "A," so this way our family will be complete "from A-Z."

Yesterday, we were at the mall buying shoes and saw a product line with the same Z names we have picked! It made me smile like you would not believe. I can't wait to buy a whole bunch of the stuff to send to your grandparents once we get the call.

Daddy and I talk a lot about your birth mom. Recently, I met a lady who picked adoption for her son and he calls her his "tummy mommy." We both really like that, and think that is how we will talk to you about your mom.

The adoption agency sent us a packing list for when we get "the call" that it is time to travel to go get you, so that got me excited. And I continue to mentally go through what baby stuff we need for you. Mostly I think we just need some bottles/formula/newborn diapers. I'm going to try to be a better mom for you than I was for your brother and actually use the cloth diapers, now that I have a better laundry system in place. And I think I want to get you a new pack & play. But that is all stuff that we can pick up once the call comes.

Can you hurry up and have your birth mommy pick us now please? Eek! It has been less than 2 months of waiting and the average can be up to 9 months! Mommy is slowly going insane. I wasn't very patient when I was trying to get pregnant with your brother either! And waiting for his delivery was super frustrating (probably why he came 5 weeks early).

I'm taking your brother to the pumpkin patch today and I am wondering if we will get the call by Halloween.... we have a onesie ready for you in case! And I'm starting my Christmas shopping and wondering if Santa will need to bring two gifts to our house.

Loving you always,

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